Apple II Bitmapped Graphics Converters

Produced by Bill Buckels


Aztec C65

This webpage provides information for Graphics Converters that I written primarily for the Apple II Computer, with the exception of my ClipShop utility which also targets a number of Legacy Graphics formats including Apple II graphics. Most of these are provided as part of the AppleX Aztec C65 Apple II cross-compiler distribution, but can be used without the compiler. With the exception of ClipShop, most of these are command-line utilities. They are all written in the C Programming Language.

Many of these utilities began life in the late 1980's, and with a short hiatus here and there, have been maintained and added-to and distributed (with source code) and free for all to use ever since, with the exception of ClipShop which comes as an uncrippled 30 day trial version without source.

Between all these utilities, bitmapped graphics conversion to every Apple Computer supported graphics mode on an Apple //e and Apple IIgs is provided (including the VOC). The AppleX Aztec C65 sample code also provides loaders and demos for all the stock Apple II Graphics images produced by these converters with very few exceptions. Some of these utilities also support round-trip bitmapped graphics conversion to windows BMP format, and additional features not available elsewhere.

The source code for the most part is Ansi C compatible to varying degrees and could be ported by a competent C programmer without much effort to other platforms and compilers that support the C programming language. Most of the executables discussed on this page are either MS-DOS or Win32 compatible or both.

While other Apple II graphics converters are available that to varying degrees equal or surpass the converters I provide in some way or another, the set of Apple II converters I have written and documented here probably comprise the most robust and actively maintained set of Apple II Graphics converters for the Windows user for converting from MS-DOS and Windows Bitmapped Graphics by any single author on the planet. Since most are part of the AppleX Aztec C65 distribution this fact combined with AppleX's related demos, makes AppleX Aztec C65 the best all around C compiler for doing Apple II 6502 bitmapped graphics programs on the planet (especially for the planet of the Windows user).

Please see the documents etc. available from this page for more information and watch this page for updates.

Bill Buckels
February, 2014

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Lo-Res and Double Lo-Res Graphics

DLGR Graphics

Capturing and Recycling AppleWin LGR/DLGR Screens
Creating LGR and DLGR Apple II Screens from Text Files
Using BMP2LO to Create LGR and DLGR Files

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Hi-Res Graphics

HGR Graphics

Capturing and Recycling AppleWin HGR Screen-Grabs
HMONSTER - A Round-trip ticket from Windows to the Apple II
BMP2RAG - a One-Way Ticket to the Apple II
BIN2RAG - Graphics Converter and Clipper for ProDOS

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Double Hi-Res Graphics

DHGR Graphics

Capturing and Recycling AppleWin DHGR Screens
DMONDEMO - DHGR Image Demo Sampler
Using DMONO To Create Monochrome DHGR Files
Using Windows to Create DHGR Files

Technical Notes << Back to Top

Super Hi-Res Graphics

SHR Graphics

BMP2SHR Users Manual - Converting BMPs to SHR Files
Tutorial - Converting BMP’s to SHR Files in Windows
Doing Lenna - A Case Study in SHR Photos
Converting PNT files to PIC Files

Technical Notes << Back to Top

Mini-Pix (PrintShop and PrintMaster)


Minipix on The IBM-PC

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Misc. Graphics

Ye Olde ClipShoppe Download Page

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© Copyright Bill Buckels 2014
All Rights Reserved.

SHR Graphics